The Role of A Solar Professional

David Fresquez


February 26, 2024

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The following article describes the main solar specializations, what they do, and why working with these experts is crucial to a successful and long-lasting renewable energy lifestyle. 


How Solar Experts Impact The Solar Buying Experience 

Designing, installing, and maintaining a solar energy system isn’t something most people can manage on their own. Nor would it be recommended, considering the safety risks. With advanced technology to work with and engineering challenges (like angle and layout) to overcome, property owners must consider the many benefits of working with an established solar company


  • Understand precisely how to maximize the efficacy of each solar panel.
  • Choose the right equipment based on the customer’s property and preferences
  • Ensure a safe and efficient installation.


Convenience & Cost-Efficacy

While there are programs and government assistance (such as a tax credit, for example) that can help lower costs or yield higher ROI (return on Investment), installing solar is a hefty financial investment that impacts the future of those dwelling or operating in a solar-powered building. Thus, it’s essential that every “t” is crossed and every “i” dotted.


Working with a solar expert ensures that every penny of the customer’s investment is well spent, assembly is executed as efficiently as possible, and a low-stress and convenient experience is created for the customers.



Reworking a power grid, big or small, requires care and a deep understanding of how each piece of the solar system connects. Like any other piece of electrical equipment, incorrectly installed panels can lead to fires, panels falling off, causing harm, etc. Safety must be the utmost priority, and professional solar installers and designers ensure a system not only works optimally but operates safely throughout its entire lifecycle.



Solar experts understand the fine details of solar energy generation, allowing them to identify and execute the best solar system (from panel volume and formation to the type of inverter) for the individual customer’s property and power needs.


This ensures that solar generation is optimal and stays that way for a long time. Properly installed and maintained solar panels can have an average lifespan of 25-30 years.


The Specialists At Each Stage Of The Solar Lifecycle

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), over the past 10 years, PV prices have declined more than 42%, making it an increasingly popular energy source as utility rates continue to increase. SEIA also found that over 260k people are currently employed in the solar industry. This ever-growing sector splits into various specialties, each supporting different stages of the customer experience. Throughout the lifecycle of their solar system, most customers will likely encounter the following solar experts. 


Solar Consultants

Solar consultants are the essential bridge connecting customers to the world of solar energy, guiding them through the process from initial contact to installation. These experts educate homeowners on the benefits of going solar and streamline communication between the homeowner and the solar company’s installation team.


They provide a comprehensive solar proposal detailing the entire journey of adopting solar energy. This includes an in-depth explanation of financing alternatives, battery and storage solutions, and an estimate of potential monthly savings on utility bills. Solar consultants offer a personalized consultation to ensure homeowners are well-informed and confident in their decision to transition to solar power.


Site Surveyors 

A site surveyor is a specialist who evaluates a homeowner’s property to determine the optimal placement and configuration for solar panels. Their work includes inspecting the roof, and the main electrical panel, and assessing structural requirements through detailed measurements and photographs. This process is essential for creating a precise solar installation plan tailored to the specific needs and conditions of the property. Powur offers Instant Site Surveys, which allow homeowners to schedule site surveys within 30 seconds of signing a solar contract! Homeowners can choose their preferred site survey times at contract signing, allowing the contract intake and site survey milestones to be initiated simultaneously. 



Solar PV designers are skilled professionals tasked with the critical role of conceptualizing and planning the layout of solar energy systems. Following a comprehensive site survey of the property, these designers collaborate with a dedicated team to devise the most efficient system and grid configuration that maximizes solar energy production. Their responsibilities extend far beyond basic layout; they meticulously analyze many factors to ensure optimal solar array placement.


Key considerations in their design process include evaluating the property’s exposure to sunlight, considering potential shade from surrounding trees or structures, and the unique contours and orientation of the roof. Additionally, they assess local climate conditions, roof material, and structural integrity to determine the system’s feasibility and potential energy yield. 


Local City Government and Permitting Offices 

Local city governments and permitting offices are essential to the solar panel installation process, facilitating homeowners in generating their own energy. Once the solar design is approved by the homeowner, it’s submitted to the local authorities for review and permit approval, which may include modifications. 


This permitting phase, often the lengthiest part of the process, involves securing approval from various entities, including fire departments and building authorities, to ensure the installation meets all safety and regulatory standards. This step is crucial for a compliant and efficient solar installation.



Installers are hands-on experts dedicated to transforming your home into a solar energy hub. They transport and install solar system components, prioritizing efficiency and safety. Their expertise extends from securing the architectural framework for rooftop panels to setting up the ground-level infrastructure that captures, stores, and supplies solar power to your building. With precision and care, installers ensure your transition to solar energy is seamless and durable.


Operation and Maintenance Experts

Operations and Maintenance (O&M) experts work hand-in-hand with a network of service partners and product manufacturers to coordinate ongoing support once a solar system has been turned on. O&M experts can identify potential issues before the homeowner experiences significant system downtime and, in most cases, before they are even aware.  


What Sets POWUR Apart?

Powur stands out in the solar industry by fostering a unique ecosystem that connects solar professionals, homeowners, Powur employees, and quality solar product providers. This collaborative network ensures homeowners receive the best possible experience as they transition to renewable energy. Powur facilitates a streamlined process that prioritizes affordability, customization, and service excellence by uniting experts in solar sales, design, and installation.


Powur emphasizes collaboration and quality, ensuring that every step of the solar journey, from initial consultation to final installation, is handled with utmost care and expertise. This approach not only simplifies the process for homeowners but also elevates the standard of service they receive, making the switch to solar energy seamless and rewarding. 


Visit us today to learn more and begin your journey to solar power. Let’s make a brighter, sustainable future together. 

David Fresquez
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David Fresquez

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David Fresquez
(858) 336-9899
9847 Campo Rd
Spring Valley, CA 91977
DRE 01394029
Pacaso 2nd Home Vacation & Solar Specialist
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